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Cassie and Tim - Wedding

Ah, wedding season! The months between September and March when the weather is magnificent and everything is simply perfect, except in Adelaide! Let me paint you a picture...

Friday 11th November:

- 14:00, 35 degrees

- 16:30, 27 degrees with thunder, lightning and hail stones the size of golf balls

- 17:10, 24 degrees and sunshine

Saturday 12th November: the day of Cassie and Tim's big day. It was dark, gloomy and when people weren't checking the cricket scores, they were watching the weather radars. Storms threatened all day but when Cassie arrived, the sun shone! Amazing... Her and Tim's garden wedding went off without a hitch (thankfully Cassie didn't find out the boys forgot the rings until AFTER the ceremony haha)

Cassie and Tim are the perfect couple... Different personalities that compliment each other. He's arty, witty, eccentric and energetic while she's possibly the most laid back and relaxed person you'd ever have the pleasure of meeting. It was an absolute joy to witness these two getting hitched and I am so honoured to have played such an important part in their day.

Venue is the absolutely stunning Marybank Weddings, Functions, Accommodation at Rostrevor

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